The Story of Our
International Autism Conference
The International Center for Autism Research and Education (ICare4Autism), has brought global awareness and initiated training programs around the globe.

"The uncertainties surrounding COVID have increased distress for all people, and in particular individuals with autism. Having to deal with life changes such as enhanced personal hygiene for hand washing and face covering, all the different guidelines, distancing, as well as social isolation—that is one of the most heart rendering problems in our society today. The constant stream of new and sometimes contradictory information has really taken a toll on our people,"
The potential benefits of the cannabis extract cannabidiol or CBD, as a treatment for autism.

This comprehensive apprentice workforce program provides individuals (prior to leaving High School) with a personalized transition plan which, if needed, will also include an employment specialist, job coach, assistance with job searches, as well as on-the-job training and support services.”
The goal of the conference was for all attendees to increase their awareness of the current advances in diagnosis, research, and treatment of ASD and to provide information on resources they may find valuable and might otherwise not have had access.

Global Autism Workforce Initiative
Scientific Advances, Novel Drug Development Efforts, and BioMedical Perspectives
Technology and the Road to Opportunity