Submit an Article
Submit an Autism News Story for Publication
The International Center for Autism Research and Education (ICare4Autism) accepts autism news article submissions. Submissions must directly relate to autism and be between 150 and 400 words.
When you send your autism news article, you may suggest an autism news category, with the understanding that the editor may change it.
If your autism news article submission includes photos, video or audio, please contact us to make arrangements.
Tips for Writing Autism News Articles
Objectivity & Transparency: Please be clear in your message and remember that some people may not know the back-story pertaining to your autism news article. Please use brief descriptions of such information, when applicable.
Do your own work
Refrain from copying quotes from online sources. Do your own work and make a couple calls. This will make your autism news article standout from the other submissions.
Use writing resources
Check out online tools for proper formatting and tips in consolidating information into precise phases, paragraphs and so forth. This type of detail will not only improve your writing skills, it will improve your overall message and the way your autism news article is received by your audience.
Details for News and Article Submission
Articles submitted to the International Center for Autism Research and Education (ICare4Autism) are viewed as contributions.
If you would like to receive a tax deduction slip for $50, per autism news article submission, you can request one.
Your article should be submitted WITHIN the BODY of the EMAIL
How to Apply
Please send an email with the following information:
Within the body of the email, please include:
First and Last Name
Article Submission Type; for this you should write AUTISM NEWS ARTICLE
Autism News Article Word Count
Contact telephone number
Secondary contact telephone number, if applicable
Best time contact by phone
Email address
FINAL STEP: Email this information, and your submission, in the BODY of the EMAIL, to info@icare4autism.org